Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre (CITC) is a state-of-the-art innovation, training and events facility located in Cavan town.
Our mission is to promote innovation, learning and economic growth in the Cavan and Border region.
We do this by providing local businesses with the education, training, technology and facilities they need to grow and prosper.
CITC’s objectives include:
- Enabling adults to achieve their full potential and to acquire usable and marketable skills.
- Providing local access to state-of-the-art educational facilities and leading edge technology.
- Promoting, in collaboration with state agencies, the growth of an enterprise culture.
- Providing high-quality and flexible education and training, attuned to individual and employer needs.
- Encouraging more effective investment by employers in training & development to develop requisite work-force skills.
In terms of infrastructure, CITC provides access to state-of-the-art conference and educational facilities to business for meetings, seminars, presentations, receptions and training. Seating up to 120 people and with the very latest technology from video conferencing to teleconferencing to satellite installed throughout, CITC enables companies located in the border counties conduct international business face-to-face from Cavan.
Funding for the Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre was provided by the:
- International Fund for Ireland under the Business Enterprise Programme.
- European Union under Interreg II.
- Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (via Cavan County Enterprise Board).
- European Regional Development Fund.
- Border Midlands and Western Regional Assembly under the Innovative Actions 2000 – 2006 Programme.
Cavan County Council provided, at nominal cost, a magnificent site to accommodate the development and has been highly supportive of the Centre since its establishment.
CITC’s parent company, Cavan County Enterprise Fund, also invested substantial capital in the development.